Russian nuclear power plants set a new electric power output record in 2019 – over 208.7 billion kWh


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Russian nuclear power plants set a new electric power output record in 2019 – over 208.7 billion kWh


Chennai, Jan. 2020

In 2019, the Russian nuclear power plants set a new electric power output record – over 208.784 billion kilowatt-hours, which means they have grown their joint production and exceeded their previous record of 2018 (204.275 billion kWh) by over 4.5 billion kWh.

The assignment for 2019 has been delivered at the rate of 103% with the planned production of 202.7 billion kWh.

The biggest contributions into the new record were from the Rostov NPP (over 33.8 billion kWh), the Kalinin NPP (over 31 billion kWh), and the Balakovo NPP (over 30 billion kWh) NPPs.

At present, nuclear power accounts for around 19% of the national electricity generation.

This means that one in five light bulbs in the Russian Federation is powered by nuclear energy.

In the European part of Russia, the share of nuclear power generation reaches 40%