Gleneagles Global Health City on the occasion of World Heart Day urges people to adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent heart diseases


Dr. Gobu P

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On the occasion of the world heart day, let us take a pledge to prevent heart diseases by adopting healthy life style practices. There are modifiable and non modifiable risk factors heart diseases. The non modifiable risk factors are age, sex, family history and we cannot do much about them.

But we have to focus on the modifiable risk factors for heart disease prevention:


  1. Smoking or using tobacco of any kind is one of the most significant risk factor for developing heart disease. Chemicals in tobacco can damage the blood vessels of the heart and cause narrowing of the arteries due to atherosclerosis (fat and clot deposition). Carbon monoxide in cigarette increases blood pressure and heart rate and thereby puts stress on heart. Smokeless tobacco, low tar cigarettes and second hand smoke are also risky. Quitting smoking is the most important way to lower heart risk. The risk of heart blocks significantly reduces one year after quitting smoking.


  1. Exercising on most days of the week is an important life style measure. Physical activity helps to reduce weight and keeps the blood pressure and sugar levels under control. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes a day, swimming, Jogging, cycling, gardening can all help.


  1. Eating heart healthy diet. Diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains protect our heart. Include low fat or fat free dairy products, lean meats and fish, beans as part of healthy diet. Major sources of saturated fat to be avoided are red meat, full fat dairy products, coconut and palm oils. Eating fruits and vegetables not only helps to prevent heart disease but also improves blood pressure, cholesterol levels and diabetes. Also reduce the salt in the diet. Reduce the salt intake to less than 6 grams/day (a teaspoon a day).


  1. Manage stress properly. Emotional outbursts, unprovoked anger all increase the likelihood of heart attacks. Engaging in de-stressing activities like yoga, listening to music, meditation may be helpful.


  1. The next target is to reduce blood cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is called as the bad cholesterol because it is the main source of cholesterol accumulation and blockage of blood vessels of heart. HDL cholesterol is called the good cholesterol as it helps to keep cholesterol from building up on the arteries. Hence to prevent heart attacks, we need to keep LDL cholesterol levels by adopting the methods listed by above. If levels are still high we may have to start cholesterol lowering medications.


  1. Keeping the blood pressure under control is important. Periodic monitoring of blood pressure is essential. Reduced salt intake is required to keep blood pressure under control.


  1. Regular screening for diabetes and maintaining normal blood sugar levels are important.

These are steps to be taken to prevent a heart attack. Major heart attacks occur when there is complete blockage of any of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscles. Heart attack is an absolute medical emergency and patient has to be rushed to a centre where immediate rescue measures are possible. If immediate treatment is not taken, it can lead to death. There are 2 definitive treatments for heart attacks. The most effective treatment is immediately shifting the patient to cathlab and then opening the blocked blood vessels by a procedure called angioplasty and stenting.

In centres where angioplasty is not available, there are medicines to dissolve the clot blocking the blood vessel. These medicines are called as thrombolytic agents. Time is muscle and hence the definitive treatment should be initiated at the earliest.

Following the emergency treatment, patient needs to be on lifelong medications and with life style modifications to prevent any future heart attacks.