D.G.Vaishnav College FACE 2015

dg vaishIn commemoration with the Golden Jubilee Year celebrations, the Department of Chemistry, D.G.Vaishnav College is organizing a National Conference on “Frontier Avenues in Chemistry and Environment” on 11th and 12th February 2015 in our college campus. Resource persons from premier central institutes like IISC Banglore, IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, CLRI & Reliance India Ltd., Vadodara are invited to deliver special lectures in current research fields and issues related with environment.

Dr. T.Vedagiriswara rao (Head & Convernor)

Says About the conference:

The scope of the conference is to bring together the researchers, academicians and scientists to discuss and share the knowledge and ideas in various fields of Chemistry for the benefit of the student community and chemistry fraternity. The program includes oral and poster presentations in various fields of Chemistry. The conference is mainly concerned with environmental issues such as Global warming, pollution control, waste management etc. It will definitely motivate the students, scientists, young researchers and academicians to turn towards latest techniques and technologies to tackle such environmental issues – to save the world and earth at large.

Dr. T.Vedagiriswara rao Head & Convernor, Department of Chemistry presented Welcome Address, Shri.P.Haridas,Secretary presented Presidential Address, Maj. Dr. M.Venkatraman , Principal presented Special Address.

Dr.S.Bangaru Sudarsan Alwar Associate & Co – Ordinator  presented Overview of the Conference, Dr. S.Sankararaman Prof., Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Madras presented Inagural Address, Vote of Thanks by Dr.K.Premalatha, Asst. Prof. & Co -Ordinator.

Following that Four Technical Session were presented in day one by experienced Professors from 11.30 am to 4.30 pm.






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