MEME MARATHON – Attempt to World Record

Meme Marathon is also going to make an official attempt for ‘Asia Book of Records’. To be a participant of this enthusiastic event by The Sight Media, there are guidelines by which the participants must create memes and submit them onto Meme Marathon website.
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The interesting part is that, the venue of the event can be of your choice, as it is a complete online event which will have topics ranging anywhere between social causes to fun. The event is set to be broadcast live for public to witness the memes created and enjoy them at select spots which will be announced on their Facebook page next week.
Meme Creators should be recognized and when it comes to Chennai, good
or bad, like or dislike, Chennaites show it in their memes. This is another reason why Chennai is called ‘The Meme Capital of India’.
A World Record attempt event, wherein a pool of Meme Creators will try to
create the maximum number of memes on 17 December, 2017 between 5- 8
PM on website.