Popular photographer from Chennai, Chandra Prakash who has worked with some of the Top brands in the country like LG, Panasonic, Chennai Silks, ITC, Sony, Ford, Taj Group, GRT and more has met Kollywood Music composer Sam D Raj for a coffee at his shooting floor ended up with a Jazz performance at the same place after a couple of days.
Pausing a serious business conversation, the photographer asked the composer that he wants to capture him through his lens. He particularly seems to have liked the composer’s looks and the expressions!! Sam was shocked to hear his request and refused on the first, but still arrived on a cloudy early morning after a couple of days for another meeting with the photographer, but not for a coffee this time.
Jazz music in a recording studio is quite common and interesting, but in a large Photo Studio, surprising? Yes, you are right, a fusion of Music and Photography. Sam D Raj who is also a Jazz Singer and Pianist performs in various jazz festivals across the country. Since Jazz goes well with black and white, the photographer nicely themed the shoot the same way.
Have a look at some of the unedited shots of our City photographer Chandra Prakash of the film composer Sam D Raj. The photographer captures people in an extraordinary way with the natural early morning light.