The film about Hazards of smoking imply by ‘Maranam Nichchayam’

5T8A4284“The best Social Awareness Award-Winning Film,  ‘Maranam Nichchayam’
5T8A4231Yogi Brahman produced and directed the film  behalf on Madman Studios ‘Maranam Nichchayam’ “reflects the social awareness of the hazards of smoking. A few days before the film’s premiere was held in Madurai. Doctor Ponraj  as special guests for screening, ‘Thirukural’ Analyst Karthik BR and Actor Abi Saravanan was attended.
Director Yogi Brahma spoke to the festival,
The first thanks for Mr.Ravi theater owner gave movie theater for screening, Special guests invited for screening when they Great Heart Doctor Ponraj Sir, ‘Thirukural’analyst Karthik BR and Actor, Social Activist Mr.Abi Saravanan’s cooperation and encouragement helped carry the film to people in the right way. Developing young people’s interest in their word or act upon the illuminated. My heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed to the creation of the film.
I recently realized the hazards of smoking ‘‘Maranam Nichchayam’ film provided by the Rotary Club of Madurai’ best social awareness film, “the film was produced and directed me on behalf of the Madman Studios the award gave for me braveness and confidence increased  the next step. Brought to the attention of the people, has three short films before my first creative ‘‘Maranam Nichchayam’. In any case, I regarded this short film. What features you want in a movie, what to have all necessary work. For the same quarter last year, without any thoughts of many battles between the taken picture. This 28-minute documentary, like a two-hour film, which dominates you. Whether it is a pastime picture thriller film will not go in vain and your leisure.
And the people of the community in response explain cinema is always a great welcome. Common man of the film shorts by now that dream is a simple yet powerful tool. Our ability to help people who have been using it to expose the many good ideas to be registered with the duty of a responsible artist.
‘Maranam Nichchayam’ by the actors of the film Karthik Tamilarasan,  Ashokraj and like Music Composer RK Dhanush was able to uncover new talent. Besides a good idea of the film is finished emphatically to register in the community is happy.